



番茄 1個
洋蔥 1層
酸黃瓜(Cornichons) 3片/P(2個/3p)
芝士 40克/3P
土豆 3個


  1. เนื้อ10-14(76กก.)ยังมากอยู่เผื่อสามคน這個碗和肉沫小了點。冰箱放至少30分鐘,餅鐺加熱4分鐘不用開啟繼續準備其它。番茄洋蔥芝士的量3個人都用不完

    Luminien潛水艇的做法步驟圖 第2張
  2. 薯條要切得比麥當勞粗,這麼辛苦才有意義。洗一下用布吸乾水。這次炸的好像過了,下次按百科的時間或者試試烤。同時準備其它。


*芝士的儲存,基於網上的資訊和家裡常備的材料:Wrapped with paper this time, got moldy after 2 weeks.如果在芝士脫離包裝袋時才這樣可能可以保持更久?With aluminium foil (soft and blue cheese too) it will last for 3 weeks. (原連結已失效). Change the wrapping occasionally() or every time()? Opened hard cheese can last for 2 weeks(), 1-3-4-6-10 months, soft cheese 2 months. Rub the surface but Bleu with oil. Rub only the cut surfaces of the White. Wipe() or scrape the extra mold off should it get moldy. Clean the knife after removing the mold. Keep cheese in a covered container in the vegetable drawer, even semi-hard cheese can keep for months if there is enough to absorb the moisture. The best-before date is only an indicator for soft rind and blue cheeses, it might spoil before or last longer.
*Prøv dette neste gang!
byttet til papir etter 2 uker med hard cheese