韓式素辣炒年糕 vegan topokki

韓式素辣炒年糕 vegan topokki的做法步驟圖

This is my favorite dish to have if I m home alone. The sauce recipe is based on my personal experience in Korean restaurants which is authentic in anyway. But it taste just the same!
Recipe is for one serve.


年糕 rice cake
青蒜 leek 一根 one
素雞 hard tofu 一小塊 small chuck
韓式辣醬 Korean chilli sauce 兩勺 2tbsp
辣椒粉 chilli flakes 一勺 1tbsp
糖 sugar 一勺 1tbsp
醬油 soy sauce 兩勺 2tbsp
橄欖油 olive oil
薑黃粉 tumeric

韓式素辣炒年糕 vegan topokki的做法  

  1. 素雞成和年糕大小的片狀。
    Finely chop hard tofu into small piece. Hard tofu is different from normal silk tofu which is firmer.

    韓式素辣炒年糕 vegan topokki的做法步驟圖 第2張
  2. 青蒜切碎,熱鍋冷油煸炒爆香。
    Sauté the leeks with a dash of olive oil.

    韓式素辣炒年糕 vegan topokki的做法步驟圖 第3張
  3. 倒入素雞翻炒,撒入適量薑黃粉至染色。
    Pour your tofu into the pan and sprinkle some turmeric to make your tofu look golden and have a hit of spices.

    韓式素辣炒年糕 vegan topokki的做法步驟圖 第4張
  4. 倒入年糕翻炒反覆至變軟,大概需要幾分鐘,此時可以著手準備醬汁。
    Pour the rice cakes in. Give them few stirs until they are softer. It will take few minutes you can prepare your sauce while doing this.

    韓式素辣炒年糕 vegan topokki的做法步驟圖 第5張
  5. 醬汁:一勺辣椒粉,一勺糖,一勺薑黃粉,兩勺韓式辣椒醬,一勺醬油,少許水。調勻待用。
    Sauce: 1tbsp of pepper flakes, sugar, turmeric, soy sauce. And 2tbsp of Korean chilli sauce. Add some water to make it more liquids and mix well.
    Korean chilli sauce can be found in your local Asian grocery.

    韓式素辣炒年糕 vegan topokki的做法步驟圖 第6張
  6. 倒入醬汁,關蓋悶2分鐘。
    Pour the sauce in and put the lid of your pan back on. Let it simmer for 2 minutes.

    韓式素辣炒年糕 vegan topokki的做法步驟圖 第7張
  7. 為了美觀可以勾芡。
    You can make some slurry if you want to serve it shinny and good looking at your dinner table. Slurry is just the mixture of corn starch and cold water. When it meet hot soup it will make it thicker, creamer and glossier!

    韓式素辣炒年糕 vegan topokki的做法步驟圖 第8張
  8. 完成!撒上一些玉米片增加口感~個人喜好
    Done and done! I love to crush some tacos and sprinkle them on top to make this dish more fun but you can skip this step!

    韓式素辣炒年糕 vegan topokki的做法步驟圖 第9張