一道完美的前菜 - 荷蘭生醃鯡魚沙拉

一道完美的前菜 - 荷蘭生醃鯡魚沙拉的做法步驟圖

荷蘭的這種生醃鯡魚 (Soused herring / maatjesharing ) 是一種用小鯡魚在鹽跟其他調料裡面醃製過的魚生,生吃口感非常滑潤肥鮮,並不是很鹹。
Through a cut in the throat, the gills and part of the gullet are removed from the herring, eliminating any bitter taste. The liver and pancreas are left in the fish during the salt-curing process because they release enzymes essential for flavor. The herrings are then placed in the brine for approximately 5 days, traditionally in oak casks. They require no further preparation after fillet and skin removal and can be eaten as a snack with finely sliced raw onion and pickles.

As skin removal requires experience, fillets or double fillets should be attempted first. The soused herrings are silvery outside and pink inside when fresh, and should not be bought if they appear grey and oily.

Whereas salt herrings have a salt content of 20% and must be soaked in water before consumption, soused herrings do not need soaking.



maatjesharing/鯡魚 兩條
青蘋果,要有點酸甜的 半個
櫻桃小番茄 若干
小茴香的葉子 一丁點,裝飾用 (可以換成別的香料)
橄欖油 幾滴
胡椒粉 適量

一道完美的前菜 - 荷蘭生醃鯡魚沙拉的做法  

  1. 鯡魚切成小塊。

  2. 青蘋果去皮切成細條。

  3. 櫻桃小番茄切碎。

  4. 組裝:

  5. 滴上橄欖油,撒上現磨的黑胡椒粉。開吃!

    一道完美的前菜 - 荷蘭生醃鯡魚沙拉的做法步驟圖 第2張

