Hlide's AppleCake歐式家庭版蘋果蛋糕

Hlide's AppleCake歐式家庭版蘋果蛋糕的做法步驟圖



無鹽黃油 250g
糖粉 250g
低筋麪粉 250g
香草 8g
肉桂粉 適量
全蛋 1只
蛋清 4只
蘋果 2-3個

Hlide's AppleCake歐式家庭版蘋果蛋糕的做法  

  1. 蘋果切小塊,用肉桂粉醃一下備用。

  2. 黃油放至常温,加糖粉打至順滑發白。

  3. 篩入低筋麪粉攪拌至順滑。

  4. 加入一隻全蛋,攪拌均勻後再加入四隻蛋清、香草精和肉桂粉,進一步混合均勻。

  5. 將醃好的蘋果塊拌入麪糊。

  6. 在模具中塗一層油以便脱模,然後倒入麪糊。

  7. 烤箱預熱後,170度烘烤50-55分鐘。

  8. 可以用叉子插入看蛋糕是否烤熟。如果叉子乾淨就熟了,不乾淨就再烤10分鐘。


250 gr Boter salted.
250 gr scuger fin....
250gr flouwer bet with frementante in it .
8gr vanilleschuger are vanilladrops. ..
1spoon of cannlle...
2 ore 3appels.
1)Suger and tempory botter (not kold) in a pot it tougether with a mixer ,til it is wite smooth pasta.
2)pout flouwer in with litellbits and mix good if it is not smood anny more
poot a ful eige mix and a put 4 in total in it mix it wellast eige only the wite not the jello of the eige... poot vanille and cannelle in to.
cut appel in bloks an poot them furst in som cannelle and than in the pay
Poot som oiel in backingform and flower it wil not stuk and you can tack the cacke out eselie.
Poot it in a oven
Meak it worm bifor
170 the grees and for 50/55 minids
To test if its backt jou put a knif in it and wen jou poul it out jou have a clean knife  so not jou put it 10 min more ...