日本味噌煎鱈魚 Japanese Miso Cod Fish

日本味噌煎鱈魚 Japanese Miso Cod Fish的做法步驟圖



On the first day of the New Year, I thought that I would share a simple and healthy dish. Cod fish is very healthy but it tends to be a little rich in taste. By adding mirin and miso paste, it takes the cod flavor to a different level.

(By the way, if you are wondering why I am also writing in English, it is for the benefit of my sister-in-laws and friends in Singapore who does not read Chinese well)


鱈魚 Cod Fish 1塊 1 piece
甜清酒 Mirin 3湯勺 3 tablespoons
味噌 Miso Paste 1茶勺 1 teaspoon

日本味噌煎鱈魚 Japanese Miso Cod Fish的做法  

  1. 買一塊鱈魚(冰凍進口鱈魚最佳),洗乾淨待用
    Buy a piece of cod fish (best is to get imported frozen cod fish), wash and pat dry

    日本味噌煎鱈魚 Japanese Miso Cod Fish的做法步驟圖 第2張
  2. 把鱈魚切成一寸左右的小塊
    Cut the cod fish into 1 inch pieces

    日本味噌煎鱈魚 Japanese Miso Cod Fish的做法步驟圖 第3張
  3. 將3湯勺的甜清酒和1茶勺的味噌倒入碗內
    Add three tablespoons of mirin and one teaspoon of miso paste into a bowl

    日本味噌煎鱈魚 Japanese Miso Cod Fish的做法步驟圖 第4張
  4. 把甜清酒和味噌拌均勻
    Mix well

    日本味噌煎鱈魚 Japanese Miso Cod Fish的做法步驟圖 第5張
  5. 把鱈魚放入碗中,醃製半個小時
    Marinate the cod pieces in the bowl for 30mins

    日本味噌煎鱈魚 Japanese Miso Cod Fish的做法步驟圖 第6張
  6. 把不粘鍋大火燒熱,加少許油,放入魚塊,調到中火,一邊快煎1到2分鐘後,翻面再煎1到2分鐘
    Turn on high heat and preheat a non-stick pan with very little oil. Place the cod fishes, turn the heat to medium and fry quickly for 1 to 2 minutes. Flip the cod over and fry other side for 1 to 2 minutes

    日本味噌煎鱈魚 Japanese Miso Cod Fish的做法步驟圖 第7張
  7. 鱈魚應該出現微微焦色。這時擺入日式圖案長形的容器便能上桌
    The cod fish should start to have some charred color. Place the cod pieces in a long Japanese motif plate and serve

    日本味噌煎鱈魚 Japanese Miso Cod Fish的做法步驟圖 第8張


Cod fish cooks very easily, so in order to ensure that the cod remains intact, quick frying at medium high heat is the best way to prepare this dish. Use very little oil for frying cod, otherwise it will become too oily