捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage

捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法圖解 捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法步驟


Another Yanyan Basics recipe, so simple yet delicious. This easy to prepare dish has a real spicy bite of flavour that makes it taste more than it looks. Just great served on it’s own when you are hungry but want something quick and easy or as a combination with your other dishes. Delicious and very healthy, you can’t go wrong so give it a try.


捲心菜 半個
粉絲 一小把
葱、姜、紅辣椒 適量
醬油、糖、鹽和植物油 適量

捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法  

  1. 準備食材

    捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法圖解 捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法步驟 第2張
  2. 把粉絲放在一個大碗裏倒入開水燙一下。

    捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法圖解 捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法步驟 第3張
  3. 捲心菜洗淨切成絲,葱、姜和辣椒切成小段備用。

    捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法圖解 捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法步驟 第4張
  4. 中火鍋裏倒入油,待油微微有點熱時放入葱、姜和辣椒煸出香味。

    捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法圖解 捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法步驟 第5張
  5. 加入捲心菜煸炒,捲心菜炒軟時加入泡好的粉絲,

    捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法圖解 捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法步驟 第6張
  6. 翻勻後加入醬油、鹽、糖調味,再翻炒1分鐘就可以出鍋了。

    捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法圖解 捲心菜炒粉絲 Glass noodles with Cabbage的做法步驟 第7張

